
April 4, 2024 by
Solar East Africa Limited, VOLTSO ENERGY

3 DAYS AND NIGHTS OF TOTAL DARKNESS FROM MONDAY 8th to 11th APRIL 2024. The world shall experience an extra ordinary event of a total solar eclipse/darkness for 3 days from 8th to 11th April 2024. Many term this period as the arrival of thre golden age. During this period, children and adults need special sunglasses made with solar filters. These glasses are also known as eclipse glasses or solar glasses. Once the sun’s rays reach the earth, you are not to use your naked eye/eyes to see since that can damage your eyes forever. You must, therefore, put on your sunglasses if you are to safely view the partial eclipse until the total eclipse. Once there are full solar eclipses, you can remove your sunglasses and view the heavenly occurrence with your eyes. Your solar glasses must be put on again once the full solar eclipse changes to a partial eclipse.

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