December 12, 2023 by
Solar East Africa Limited, VOLTSO ENERGY


For your information, in 2015, the Kenya government made it mandatory for premises that use over 100 litres of hot water daily to use solar water heaters. However, noting how expensive it can get using normal power, we believe that you already know how much money you would be saving if you got that solar panel.

Still not convinced? “On average, if you install a solar water heater, your water heating bills should drop 50%–80%. Also, because the sun is free, you’re protected from future fuel shortages and price hikes.” Source: http://energy.gov/. We supply flatbed solar water heating systems from Europe with capacities ranging from 100 up to 300 litres. We can also undertake installation for this product via our preferred registered plumbers which means you can have a complete solution which includes its accompanying pipes and fittings and other equipment such as boilers and pumps where required.

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